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【学术通知】香港中文大学商学院副教授黄军飞:Capacity Allocation and Scheduling in Two-Stage Service Systems with Multi-Class Customers

  • 发布日期:2024-02-20
  • 点击数:



演讲主题: Capacity Allocation and Scheduling in Two-Stage Service Systems with Multi-Class Customers

主 讲 人黄军飞,香港中文大学商学院副教授

主 持 人: 王   玥,供应链管理与系统工程系讲师




黄军飞现为香港中文大学商学院决策、运营和科技系副教授。他的研究兴趣包括排队系统的渐进分析和最优控制及相关理论在生产、服务系统中的应用。他曾获香港中文大学青年学者研究成就奖、MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award(MSOM协会)及Uriel G. Rothblum Prize for Excellent Work in Operations Research (以色列运筹学会)等科研奖项。


This paper considers a tandem queueing system, in which stage 1 has one station serving multiple classes of arriving customers with different service requirements and related delay costs, and stage 2 has multiple parallel stations, with each station providing one type of service. Each station has many statistically identical servers. The objective is to design a joint capacity allocation between stages/stations and scheduling rule of different classes of customers to minimize the system's long-run average cost. Using fluid approximation, we convert the stochastic problem into a fluid optimization problem and develop a solution procedure. Based on the solution to the fluid optimization problem, we propose a simple and easy-to-implement capacity allocation and scheduling policy, and establish its asymptotic optimality for the stochastic system. The policy has an explicit index-based scheduling rule that is independent of the arrival rates, and resource allocation is determined by the priority orders established between the classes and stations. We conduct numerical experiments to validate the accuracy of the fluid approximation and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed policy. Tandem queueing systems are ubiquitous. Our results provide useful guidelines for the allocation of limited resources and the scheduling of customer service in those systems. Our proposed policy can improve the system's operational efficiency and customers' service quality.


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